Taken from the book "Healing with Herbal Juices" by Siegfried Gursche
The following is a brief list of the juices which are particularly effective for specific complaints.
- Asthma - Thyme Juice (croupy coughs), Onion Juice (good for colds and mucus in the upper respiratory tract)
- Anemia - Spinach Juice (contains iron, plus specific vitamins and elements for building blood cells)
- Arthritis - Celery Juice, Horseradish Juice (both have diuretic properties work through the kidneys)
- Back Pain (lower) - Celery Juice (diuretic relieves pressure on muscles)
- Bladder Catarrah - Parsley Juice (stimulates kidney functions)
- Blood Pressure (high) - Garlic Juice (lowers blood pressure)
- Blood Purification - Dandelion Juice ((mobilizes toxins)
- Hot Flashes - Sage Juice
- Fever - Red Beet Juice (strengthens the immune system)
- Gall Bladder Complaints - Dandelion (inhibits gallstone formation)
- Gum Infection - Sage Juice (used as a mouthwash, disinfects)
- Headaches - Parsley Juice (affects blood vessles)
- Heartburn - Potato Juice (lowers the activity of the stomach glands)
- Laxative - Saurkraut Juice (normalizes intestinal flora, stmulates peristaltic movement)
According to Siegfried Gursche most of these juices take 3 days for you to start noticing their effects.