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Monday, March 09, 2009

Global Juice Feast 2009

So I've been on a Juice Feast for 8 days today. Yay me. Many other people around the world are doing this as well and planning to go for 92 days as part of David Rainoshek's "92 Day Global Juice Feast" . The Rainosheks have 2 websites that offer support during this extended feast - one is free and has a large community of members who offer support to one another through advice and shared experiences. The other site is a pay site (a little over $30 a month $36 for us Canadians) and is well worth the money for the wealth of information provided. The pay site gives guidelines, day by day support and inspiration as you go along. I'm finding this to be an invaluable tool in my quest to feast long term.
I'd like to document my progress as I go along so to this end
I've resurrected my old neglected blog.

So what happened with the Hash?
The herbs and my enzymes along with a restricted diet (I had allergy testing done and cut out all dairy and wheat) worked. My Western Doctor, Chinese doctor & allergy specialist were amazed at the speed that I went into remission. They all asked me a lot of questions about what I did. Basically in addition to the things listed above I discovered RAW FOOD and juicing. I'm so grateful I met the right people on my path and started asking the right questions. One thing I've discovered through all of this is that you have to take responsibility for your own health. Ask questions, lots of questions and if something doesn't feel right for you keep asking and researching. Demand when you have to and be an annoying pest if no one is taking you seriously.

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