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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 20 - the winds are changing and I'm adjusting my sails...

A rough day yesterday. I went to the chiropractor because my neck/shoulder have been bothering me for the past 3 days. It turned out the bones at the base of my neck were way out of wack. I talked about it with my chiropractor and she told me this may have been causing the swelling in my neck that I thought was a thyroid problem a few days ago. She suggested I go back to work - tell them I was going home and skip yoga so I could put ice on it and give my body a chance to rest -nooooo! Ordinarily I would have ignored her advice and thought to myself "Suck it up - it's Friday. Just one more day to get through" BUT... something is happening, a shift is taking place mentally as well as physically - I'm changing. I was feeling let down by my body then I realized it was time to adjust my expectations - so I WENT HOME (this is huge for me). I stopped feeling guilty about letting myself or anyone else down and just went with it. I sat on my couch, watched movies and iced my neck. It felt so good just to let myself off the hook.

So day 20 and I'm feeling a little awe stuck at all the subtle changes taking place.

(so strange I just noticed this video is posted on day 24 of the Juice Feast site. I must be in sync - I posted this Saturday...)

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