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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Poop on Enemas

Part of the juice feasting regime is a daily enema. Now I have to admit when I first read this bit I thought - no way that isn't for me. The whole idea just struck me as something I'd rather not think about or talk about thank you very much. I decided that colonics would be a better way to go - pay a professional - go every few weeks and that would be enough. As time has passed and I've become more committed to getting the most out of this experience I've started to give the enemas a go. I find if I'm feeling grumpy, have a headache or I feel like I'm going through a detoxing phase - often if I try the enema thing I feel much better by the next day. In addition to water there are several types of enemas people use for different conditions. I've listed a few below - for more information and types of enemas go to... - the information below comes from this site as well.

Coffee enemas detoxify the liver, as well as clean the colon. Coffee stimulates the liver to make more bile. Bile, from the gallbladder draws out environmental and metabolic toxins, as well as the toxins from Candida albicans and other parasite-like organisms. The colon is the organ responsible for carrying away these toxins. In addition, coffee enemas stimulate the liver to produce enzymes that clean the blood. Coffee enemas also assist the colon to develop better function. In these ways, coffee enemas are an essential resource in a colon cleansing program The coffee enema should consist of 1 quart of coffee (cold of course!) & warm water solution, held for 15 to 30 minutes. Some people, can take and retain only a pint (2 cups) of coffee enema solution at a time. If this is the case, one should take 2 coffee enemas, one right after releasing the first enema, and hold each for 15 to 30 minutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar has been used as a successful remedy for a number of ailments, including a method of dissolving internal stones in horses. Apple cider vinegar contains over forty vitamins and minerals. It releases toxins from the liver and has helped arthritis patients, people with high blood pressure, and skin conditions. Other ailments helped by consuming apple cider vinegar are high cholesterol, insomnia and fatigue, liver and kidney problems, asthma, and more. In enemas, try to hold about 5 minutes before releasing it as you finish the enema. This will allow for greater penetration in the colon. Aloe or any other substance that makes water wetter will have also enhance the penetrating effects and the antiviral effect.
3 tablespoons per 1.5 qt enema bag is sufficient but you might want to try higher doses to see if better results can be obtained if you can tolerate it.

Baking Soda Generally tap water comes to us with a pH of about 7.2, from the public water utility. Body pH is normally at a level of about 7.35 to 7.45. Baking soda has a pH, of about 8.0 in the box. So the theory is that by adding baking soda to enema water will increase pH factor of the water.
Infusing higher pH solutions such as this into the colon causes the body to 'adjust' by increasing pH, and to "restore" or "re-normalize" body pH to the correct amount. It is important to normalize the body's acidity and re-normalize the pH of the blood, allowing for significantly greater oxygen saturation capacity in the blood, which helps the brain, and all tissues, to work better. Most colonic patients report an "elevated" mood or feeling of contentment after a colonic irrigation or enema. Re-normalizing the blood / body pH also allows the brain receptors which take up and process the body's naturally-occurring endorphins, serotonin, and serotonin-like chemicals to be absorbed by the brain receptors looking for those chemicals in the blood.
Enema Recipe:1 to 4 Tbl. Baking Soda 2 quarts warm filtered water ( Mix well ){ Warning } Do Not use on a low sodium diet ! Temperature 103° to 107°Fahrenheit

Celtic Sea Salt
This enema is better done at a cool temperature instead of warm.The temperature of the solution will cause peristalsis in the colon. Good for reducing fever. Enema Recipe:1 tbsp. of Celtic Sea Salt per quart of water2 qts. cool filtered waterTemperature 75° to 80° Fahrenheit
By adding Celtic Sea Salt to the water solution you increase the transfer of water into the colon. This helps prevent filling your kidneys and bladder with water. It will help eliminate the frequent trips needed to urinate after receiving enemas. Enema Recipe: 1 tbsp. of Celtic Sea Salt per quart of water 2 qts. cool filtered water Temperature 75° to 80° Fahrenheit

Garlic Juice
Garlic is used for everything to raising and lowering blood pressure, all types of infections, indigestion, headaches, also used for colds, fevers, and blood purification purposes, as well as for respiratory illnesses also for worms & bowel infections.Garlic juice, has been shown to kill harmful bacteria without harming useful ones. If you suffer from colitis, use the garlic juice enema several times a week, Or anytime pain from colitis is experienced, this enema shouldl quickly relieve the discomfort. Troubled with constipation, You can use a garlic juice enema several times a week, and then a coffee retention enema once a week. Enema Recipe:3 cloves of finely chopped garlic in 1 quart of filtered water Simmer on stove for 10 minutes Cool to 103ยบ Fahrenheit, strain and pour into enema bag Add extra warm filtered water to finish filling bag and correct temperature. Precaution - very stimulating.

Directions for Administering an Enema

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