I’ve been fasting off and on for years. The first fast I ever tried was the Stanley Burrows book “The Master Cleanser” (you can find the book online or at most health food stores). This is the fast a lot of people start out with when they become interested in doing a cleanse.
** I stopped doing this fast a few years ago because I have found that for me water fasting (just water and fresh lemon juice) with cascara sagrada taken at night, then moving into a juice fast if I want to do an extended cleanse works much better. Another excellent way to cleanse the body is to do a green smoothy cleanse especially if you eat a standard american diet. Jumping right into a water fast after years of eating fast/junk/processed foods can be very uncomfortable as your body starts to eliminate toxins very quickly. Many people who jump right in experience sever headaches, bodyaches and nausea to a degree where they never want to try fasting again and what a shame that is! Fasting is such a wonderful way to heal your body when it is done gently.If you are interested in trying the Master Cleanse the recipe for the “lemonaid” you drink is as follows...
- 2 Tablespoons of organic fresh squeezed lemon juice
- 2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup
- 1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
- 10 oz of filtered water
- mixed together and at least 5-6 glasses are to be consumed daily (you can drink as much as you like).
When I used this I generally made 2- 3 litre bottles of “lemonaid” daily.
A little about Elimination...Your body should be having two to four bowel movements a day, even though you are not eating any solid food. You should be passing waste from your body, which was stored in the form of toxins and mucous. If you are not feeling well on the cleanse, it is probably because you are not going to the toilet enough. In this case it may be a good idea to take either some herbal laxative tea. Some people choose to do Salt water bath to keep things moving along (I found it didn’t make me feel well so I would use herbal teas or cascara sagrada.
Directions for internal salt water bathing:Prepare a full quart (1 litre) of lukewarm water and add two level teaspoons of sea salt (more for coarse salt) and drink it first thing in the morning. You should do this on an empty stomach, and the salt water will cleanse the entire intestinal tract.
The Purpose of a fast:• To dissolve and remove toxins and mucous from the body.
• To clean the kidneys and digestive system.
• To cleanse the glands and cells of the body.
• To remove waste and hardened matter in the joints and muscles.
• To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries and blood vessels.
• To create a healthy blood stream.
• To return youthfulness.
When to use the Cleanse:• When sickness has developed.
• When the digestive system needs a clean.
• When a person has become overweight.
• When the body needs to be rebuilt and better assimilation of nutrients and food is needed.
The Master Cleanse can be performed three or four times a year to keep the body in a normal healthy condition. But the diet may be undertaken more frequently for serious problems. The diet can be followed for 14 days or more.Those are the basics if you are interested in trying the Master Cleanse
Search the internet for more information. Some fasters feel this cleanse isn’t as healthy as others because of the high sugar content in the maple syrup others swear by it. I have older posts on Juice Feasting and some wonderful videos by the Boutenko’s on Green Smoothies (surf back in my posts about 3 months). If you are new to fasting try you may want to try a green smoothy cleanse first. Green Smoothies will allow your body to eliminate toxins more slowly - less nasty healing crises! Victoria Butenko’s book “Green For Life” is an amazing resource if you want more information on the subject or surf the net there is a lot of information out there!