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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Natural from Toe to Head - Callus and Corn Relief

Before doing anything it might be a good idea to try to figure out out what is causing your calluses and corns. If you have shoes that are rubbing your feet in all the wrong places or just don't fit properly - ditch them - I know it isn't easy but, just think new shoes!
  • Trim your toenails if your toe nail is too long it can force the joint of your toe to push up against your shoe and will make the toe form a corn (eww) - so keep those nails trimmed down and smoothed.
  • Pumice Stones. If you don't have one of these yet run out and get one. After soaking your foot in warm water for about 20 minutes, use a pumice stone to rub away corns and calluses. Pumice stones are made from lava "froth" that has hardened they have large pores that help with exfoliation of dead skin. Used regularly these little rocks will help keep your feet smooth and callus free.
  • Ice it. Hard corns can be very painful. If you have a corn try applying an ice pack to the area. This will help reduce swelling and ease the pain a bit.
  • Lemon juice. Mix a paste of 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 5 or 6 crushed aspirin tablets. Apply the paste directly to your callus, and wrap your foot in a plastic bag. Keep your foot under wraps for ten minutes, allowing the acidity to soften your callus. Then give your callus a rub with a pumice stone.
  • Castor oil is a super thick oil (available at drugstores). Before going to bed, try dipping a cotton pad or ball in castor oil, applying it over the affected area, and taping it in place using a small piece of adhesive tape or rub your whole foot down with it and put on an old pair of socks. *Castor oil should not be applied over broken skin.
  • Soak feet Epsom Salts and warm water for approximately 20 minutes will help to soften the skin and reduce swelling.
  • Prepare a paste by grinding three or four liquorice sticks and mixing with half a teaspoon of sesame oil or mustard oil rub into the hardened skin at bedtime – will gradually decrease corn in size.
  • Get some turmeric powder and add little drops of water and make a paste. Scrub the corn a little and apply the turmeric paste over the corn. Place some cotton over the paste and bandage it so that the turmeric paste stays over the corn. Do this every night when you sleep for a week and the corn will vanish without a trace or a need for surgery.
If you are suffering consider investing in a good pair of arch supports and orthotics.  Arch supports and orthotics can help correct a wide range biomechanical foot problems that can be behind some people's corns and calluses. Consult a podiatrist and inquire about using orthotics/arch supports if you are in pain - they can make a world of difference.

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