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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Full Moon In Virgo

Today is the first full moon in the Chinese New Year (year of the Metal Tiger). The full moon is in Virgo which highlights acts of service - if you have the opportunity to help someone or volunteer take it. The Moon in Virgo also reminds us of the importance of letting go - in the Buddhist sense - to stop clinging to negative patterns, or to people or thoughts that don't serve you. If you have been feeling like a pot about to boil over relax - breathe and just let go of whatever it was that is getting you so steamed. On the lighter side of things decisions you make today about spending money are likely to be good ones - so if you need to shop today is a good day to do it. Astrogrrl has this to say about it.

"Full moons signify the completion, culmination of what may have been initiated during the previous New Moon in Aquarius which encouraged us to break away, get unstuck and establish a new "norm". During the New Moon phase Neptune and Chiron finally perfected their long awaited conjunction. Their conjunction remain strong and influential for this Full Moon in Virgo.

This full moon occurs at 10 degrees of Virgo and opposes Jupiter while the Sun blends energies with Jupiter. The heart
(Moon) may still be meticulously processing (Virgo) what might have transpired over the past two weeks, but the soul (Sun) has begun to hope and dream of the possibilities(Jupiter). In light of the healing/release (Neptune-Chiron conjunction) that's occurred and continuing to work with us, there is now a "newer", improved (or on the mend to become an improved) version of the self with room to rebuild and continue becoming. Elsewhere in the sky, Venus(love/money) grows closer to giving Uranus (surprises/unconventional) a great, big kiss. Expect the unexpected, especially with regards to relationships or finances. Be open to applying unique solutions to common issues or finding just what you need in the most unlikely places."

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