A bit of a ramble about detoxing....
Anyone who knows me knows I'm in to fasting. I've posted a few times about why I choose to fast and why I think it works for me. Fasting isn't everyone's cup of tea however - I remember several years ago talking my mother into doing a short fast with me and it was far and away NOT her thing. After the first day she was suffering terrible headaches and nausea. I wasn't as aware back then about how important it is for people who eat a regular diet to detox and clean up their systems before taking on a fast - for some people - a lot of people - doing a week or two of clean eating without going on a fast is a great gentler way to detox than taking on a full on fast.
If you are stressed or feel like you are missing vital nutrients in your diet (or aren't absorbing the nutrients you are putting into your body properly), eating more simply will give your body a break. If you can get past the initial discomfort while your body cleans out the junk and are willing to battle your brain while it is telling you "I need my coffee" or "I'm sad/angry I want a cookie - I deserve a cookie!" or what have you. The end result - is worth the effort (in my humble opinion).
What does detoxing do?
"Detox is a naturally occurring physiological process wherein the body rids itself of toxic substances through sweat, urine, and feces, Dorfman says. These toxins typically include air and water pollutants and processed food chemicals. "The body first eliminates these toxins through the gut; whatever the gut can't catch gets into the bloodstream and passes through the liver, which flushes them out. sometimes toxins don't leave our body - they hang around in our lymph and digestive systems.
Detoxing provides your body with a nutritional break so that it can become a better waste dumper and nutrient absorber. A proper detox lasts about a week and involves eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet that's high in essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, drinking plenty of water and clear fruit juices, and getting enough rest. You can also incorporate moderate exercise into your routine.
I tend to go on fasts or cleanses when I'm going through changes in my life - when I need to centre myself or gain more clarity. Some people like to do it in the spring or at the start of the new year.
What to put in...
Start your mornings off with an 8-ounce glasses of warm water with half a lemon squeezed into the water - lemon wakes up your digestive juices.
(try to drink between 8-10 glasses of water a day - I count my herbal teas in with this)
During the day eat a variety of fresh fruit, whole grains (quinoa is an excellent one and loaded with protein), and lightly steamed veggies. I'll also use coconut oil to about 4tblsp for fat.
Smoothies and fruit and veggie juices are also great...
With one of my glasses of water during the day I'll mix in a powdered vitamin c supplement (I use a brand called Emergen-C) - This aids in neutralizing free radicals produced by your body as you begin to detox, from things like sugar and caffeine. Another thing that helps if you are feeling sick to your stomach is ginger or mint tea.
What to cut out...
- Sugar, (so this means sodas, chocolates, candies, cough drops - anything that has sugar in it is out)
- Caffeine
- Vinegar
- Corn
- Mushrooms
- Dairy (if you consume it - creates excess mucus in the body).
- Anything processed
In addition to the food things to think about:
- Take hot baths with epsom salts (contains magnesium that can be absorbed through the skin)
- Dry body brushing (helps the body eliminate toxins more quickly)
- Yoga or Walking daily - anything to help keep your blood moving and allow your lymphs to sweat out toxins.
- Neti Potting - sometimes I'll get stuffy while I'm detoxing
- Turn off the news - take a mental break - allow yourself to avoid negative emotional stuff coming at you through your tv or computer.
Make sure you are regular while all this is going on - if you aren't going #2 at least once a day. Munch on prunes or try drinking laxative tea.
What you'll have to put up with....
You'll probably be tired for awhile, have a headache or two, be hungry and grumpy - for the first 2 or three days after that it usually goes away.
When you go back to eating a more regular diet - be as my friend calls it a "petite eater" ... chew things carefully - introduce foods you haven't been eating back one at a time...
If you have health concerns - talk to you doctor before radically changing your diet. You are trying to be nice to yourself not throw your body into shock.