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Friday, June 26, 2009

I'm back (day 26 post feast)

It is so strange to be home. I turned off my link to the world (my laptop) as planned as soon as I hit the prairies and spent most of my 3 week vacation outside painting a little house near my parent's farm that was left to me by my grandfather.
So food wise how did it go?
I really stuck to my plan for coming off the feast for the first week. Sticking to mainly juice with fruit salads. By week two I brought in salads, soups and more juice but, the weather was so cold the first week that I started having cooked vegetable broth to warm myself up a bit. Then by week three still lots of juice and salads but, also a few meals with beans and rice, and a glass or two of wine right before I came home. I plan to go back to 100% raw for the summer - now that I'm back in my own kitchen. The most amazing thing about all of this is that I still want my juice! You would think that I'd be sick of it but, I'm not. If I have a headache, feel grumpy, or just blah my first thought has consistently been - have some veggie juice - 9 times out of 10 I feel great again just a few minutes after I drink it. Below are photos of my painting project.

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