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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Doshas (Constitutional Types)

According to Ayurvedic (Indian) belief there are five elements - air, earth, fire and water. These elements make up everything in the universe including the human body. The elements come together to create three different constitutional types, or DOSHAs, known as Vata (airy), Pitta (fiery), and Kapha (earthy/watery).
It is thought that knowing your type can help you to understand what types of foods, and lifestyle habits can support your health or cause imbalances in the body.
Most people are a combination of types. The best way to find out what type you are is to visit an Ayurvedic doctor who will give you an exam and check your pulse. There are also several tests on the internet that will help give you clues as to what your type may be. 

Today I've been busy reading up on Doshas. Dr. Gabriel Cousens talks about Dual Dosha Constitutions in his book "Conscious Eating". Dr. Cousens believes that small imbalances in the dosha system can "create the seeds for the growth of future disease". What I am interested in about this belief system and what Dr. Cousens has to say about it is that by knowing your Dosha (mind/body type) you are equiped with information that helps make disease prevention and treatment considerably more specific to each individual. He says "Simply eating the foods that balance our Doshas can exert an astonishing positive influence on every aspect of our lives. Eating what is specifically best for ourselves, and not trying to fit into any external, generalized dietary concepts, is a major step in developing an individualized diet." I'm especially interested in what Dr. Cousins has to say about all this as he is a raw foodist and has adapted the Ayurvedic Dosha food suggestions to a raw/vegetarian foods diet. Also he makes comments on changing your diet for the seasons to help balance out your Doshas as the seasons change. Very interesting! 

Here are some of his basic comments on each type...

Vata: Eat small regular meals 3 times a day plus snacks. Blended soups are good (Vatas have problems breaking down leafy greens), Vatas are dry so foods that have moisture are better, Vatas may eat the full range of vegetables and salads particularly if they are combined with high-oil content foods, such as avacado or soaked nuts and seeds. Blending creates more water which is good. Vegetables that help balance a Vata are asparagus, beets, carrots, celery, cucumber, garlic green beans, okra, parsnips, radishes, turnips, sweet potatoes, zucchini. Sweet fruits are blanancing to. Mangoes and green grapes are excellent for vatas. Nuts and seeds are better taken as butters and milks since Vatas have poor digestive systems

Kapha: Raw food can tone up the digestive power of Kapha. Raw food produces less mucus (Kaphas have a lot of mucus and water), they should avoid fried, fatty oily foods. 2 main meals a day separated by at least six hours and avoid snacking, Kaphas have a slow metabolism and it is difficult for them to digest their foods, sweet, sour and salty foods unblanance kaphas, vegetables and leafy greens are good. they should eat warming spices to burn off mucus and stimulate metabolism. Pears & Apples are good fruits for Kaphas to eat. Grains aren't good for Kaphas because they are heavy and mucus producing. All raw, sprouted and soaked grains are acceptable. 

Pitta: A bland vegetarian/raw diet is best for the Pitta. It is best for Pittas to avoid caffeine, alchohol and all flesh foods. Foods that are sour also bother the Pitta (such as pickles or yogurt). Leafy green vegetables are very good. Foods that are sweet tasting are also balancing (except honey and molassas), Carrots and Beets are balancing. Pittas do best eating fruits and vegetables. They should avoid salty, pungent and sour tastes. They have fast metabolisms so 3 meals a day seperated by 4 hours is good.

A Dosha type quiz (lots all over the net - I did quite a few and came up Kapha-Vata for most)

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