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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

An apple juice a day...

"It is remarkable how closely the history of the Apple-tree is connected with that of man." -- Henry David Thoreau

Always juice your apples with the peel on, raw apple juice contains a substantial amount of vitamin A due to the juice from the apple peel. Vitamin A plays a particularly important role in your vision, and many other bodily functions. Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant that is also found in raw apple juice.

Raw apple juice contains both soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fiber reduces your risk of heart disease by preventing buildup of cholesterol in your blood vessels. Insoluble fiber keeps your digestive system working properly and smoothly. Raw apple juice can reduce your risk of kidney and liver disease, if you drink it regularly. This is due to the fact that apple juice flushes out these organs.

Apple juice can be used to cleanse the body and should be included in the diet, the juice speeds up the bowel action. However, drinking a lot of apple juice will lead to the production of large amounts of gas , if the bowel action is impaired in any way. When used in an enema mixed with water, the juice or concentrate of the apples heals bowel irritation.

In the ancient world raw apples were used to counter diarrhea and related digestive disorders. Apples were thought of as being cool and moist and good for digestion. Apple based juices and herbal fruit infusions were often prescribed for the treatment of persistent fevers and all kinds of eye infections.

Though not high in iron themselves apples have a very beneficial ability in that they can aid the body efficiently absorb the iron found in all the other foods - including eggs and organ meats like liver. Apples are quite rich in their content of the essential mineral calcium. The calcium found in the apple helps the human system absorbing all the calcium found in different foods.

Interesting Tid Bits:
  • To keep your apple juice from turning brown: Simply push a lemon through your juicer right before you begin juicing your apple. The apple peel carries some of its nutritional value.
  • Dr. Seif O. Shaheen and colleagues from London's King's College and the University of Southampton found that all you need, is two apples a week to reduce your risk of developing asthma by 22-32 percent. The researchers hypothesize that certain flavonoids from the apple may be key in the protection against asthma since flavonoids from other fruits and vegetables did not affect asthma risk.
  • Apples contain malic acid, which is capable of softening gallstones and other hardening the body.
  • Compounds in apples and apple juice called phytonutrients act in the same way as red wine and herbal tea; they delay the break down of LDL or "bad" cholesterol.
  • It's the only fruit that mixes well with all types of vegetable juice.
  • The peels of raw apples can be saved and used to prepare a herbal and healthy tea, this tea is considered excellent for the kidneys and should be used in treating chronic kidney problems

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