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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Fasting/Detoxing - Crown Chakra

Fasting/Detoxing are recommended for the Crown Chakra. So for the Crown a detox juice recipe

Detox Juice
1/2 Large Beet
6 Stalks of Celery
4 Medium Carrots
1 Medium Green Apple

Juice all in Juicer - drink right away. The beet juice will push your liver helping it to remove toxins, celery will help to alkalize your body, Carrot juice will assist your liver in cleaning out fat and other toxins if you drink it on a regular basis (a glass a day should do). Also, drinking raw carrot juice can be helpful for lowering the symptoms of stresses and normalizing the function of your digestive system. Always juice your apples with the peel on, raw apple juice contains a substantial amount of vitamin A due to the juice from the apple peel. Vitamin A plays a particularly important role in your vision, and many other bodily functions. Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant that is also found in raw apple juice. 

Follow this up with lots of pure water and fresh lemon. 

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