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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bad Blogger - Little reminders

I've been away so long because I'm planning a trip to Europe. One week away (please let that snow in Spain melt soon!). Another reason I haven't been posting too much is I'm afraid since hurting my back I've fallen into some not so great eating habits and haven't really known what to post about that here. I'm still 70-80% raw most days but, at night I've been eating a lot cooked dishes (vegan) and on Fridays even eating a bit of wheat which really doesn't agree with me. Why is it when we are hurt/stressed we "comfort eat" things that aren't all that comforting? It all came to a head last week - I was feeling so stressed I couldn't make myself calm down - I tried listening to Van Morrison's Moondance (my ultimate calm down CD), a nice cup of tea, a funny movie... nothing was working and on top of it all I wasn't sleeping at night. I talked with my mother who said "What have you been eating? Maybe you need to go back to your juice." Not what I wanted to hear but... I decided that night to do a 2 day fast one day water one day juice and you know what? It worked. By the next night I was able to fall into a deep restful sleep and that jumpy feeling was gone by the next morning when I started my juice. Another thing... I started listening to my holosync cd again... I guess sometimes we have to fall off the wagon so we can be reminded why we got on it in the first place :)


bitt said...

sorry to hear your back has been hurting. i know it can be hard to get back into raw when you get out of hte habit. i hope the juice helps you reset. take care.

Berry Blue Toes said...

Thanks Bitt :)

evergreen said...

How exciting, a trip to Europe! Hope you have a great trip:)

Glad you are back on the wagon and sleeping better:)