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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Great Quote....

"Eating raw/living food is not hard! Being tired, overweight, sick and depressed all the time, now that is hard! Eating raw/living food is the easiest thing in the world, you just open a banana, bite into an apple or slice up a cucumber! Eat more fruits and vegetables, your dynamic, flexible, energetic and beautiful life depends on it!"

On Dan McDonald's Facebook Page today... Love it!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Traveling Raw

I'm going to Europe in 2 days. I've been searching around the net for tips on staying Vegan/Raw while I'm away. I found a really good list of ideas on "The Best of Raw" website. Where the video of David Wolfe (above) is featured. After reading their Top 5 Travel Tips I've decided to pack my superfoods to take with me. A bag of hemp hearts, Bluegreen Algae, MSM powder, some raw cacao nibs, a water bottle for mixing and a few Larabars.

I'll post how I did when I get back! I think while I'm in Egypt I'll have to make an exception and eat more cooked food - I've been warned repeatedly about not eating salads or anything uncooked there!

"I'm Vegan" in different languages...

In Spanish
  • Soy vegano (male)
  • Soy vegana (female)
In French
  • Je suis végétalien (male) / Je suis végétalienne (female)
In Arabic
  • Ana Nabatee (I am vegetarian [male]
  • Ana Nabateeya (I am vegetarian) [female]
In German
  • Ich bin Veganer. (male)
  • Ich bin Veganerin. (female)
In Italian
  • vegano
  • Non voglio carne o pesce (I do not want meat or fish)
  • Niente carne (No meat)
In Greek
  • Eimai hortofagos. Den troo kreas i kotopoulo [EE-may hor-to-FAH-gos. Then tro KRAY-ahs ee ko-TO-poo-lo.] (I am a vegetarian. I do not eat meat, pork or chicken.)
  • (Den) troo avga, gala, kai (i) tiri. [(Then) tro ahv-GA, GA-la, keh (ee) tee-REE.] (I do (do not) eat eggs, milk or cheese)

In Turkish

  • Hic et yiyemem [heech et yee-yeh-mem] (I can't eat any meat)
  • Et suyu bile yiyemem. (I can't even eat meat juices)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bad Blogger - Little reminders

I've been away so long because I'm planning a trip to Europe. One week away (please let that snow in Spain melt soon!). Another reason I haven't been posting too much is I'm afraid since hurting my back I've fallen into some not so great eating habits and haven't really known what to post about that here. I'm still 70-80% raw most days but, at night I've been eating a lot cooked dishes (vegan) and on Fridays even eating a bit of wheat which really doesn't agree with me. Why is it when we are hurt/stressed we "comfort eat" things that aren't all that comforting? It all came to a head last week - I was feeling so stressed I couldn't make myself calm down - I tried listening to Van Morrison's Moondance (my ultimate calm down CD), a nice cup of tea, a funny movie... nothing was working and on top of it all I wasn't sleeping at night. I talked with my mother who said "What have you been eating? Maybe you need to go back to your juice." Not what I wanted to hear but... I decided that night to do a 2 day fast one day water one day juice and you know what? It worked. By the next night I was able to fall into a deep restful sleep and that jumpy feeling was gone by the next morning when I started my juice. Another thing... I started listening to my holosync cd again... I guess sometimes we have to fall off the wagon so we can be reminded why we got on it in the first place :)