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Sunday, July 25, 2010
Full Moon In Aquarius - new directions
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Summer Head Cold - Raw Garlic Soup
- Oregano Oil great for the immune system and sinus - don't take the drops straight they will burn the inside of your mouth instead put 2-4 drops in tea or water with a bit of sweetener - or what I do get veggi caps from a health food store (the kind to make your own vitamin capsules with) and mix 4 drops of oregano oil with grapefruit seed extract. I take 2 or 3 of these a day - never on an empty stomach when I feel something coming on.
- Garlic, onions and ginger all great immune system builders. If I'm feeling really lousy I'll make ginger tea (cut up ginger steeped in boiling water for 10 minutes or so - I let it cool and drink it with a little lemon juice, cinnamon and black pepper as a tea). Garlic/Onions - I make garlic soup when I'm sick - I think it works just as well or better than chicken soup (just as tasty too - recipe at the end of this post).
- Orange Juice - fresh squeezed of course :)
- Hot Bath - I'll put in a bit of dried yellow mustard and epsom salts if I feel I need to sweat it out.
- Rest - sometimes giving up the fight and just sleeping it off is the best remedy of all.
- 2 Tablespoons olive oil
- 1 medium white onion (about 1 1/2 cup)
- 1 teaspoon pink sea salt
- 1pinch of black pepper
- 4 cups vegetable juice (for this I use a blend of whatever I have on hand usually carrots, celery, and red pepper)
- 1c walnuts (soaked)
- 1c cashews (soaked)
- OR 2C soaked almonds OR 1C nuts and 1 small zucchini (if you use the zucchini only use 3 cups of veggie juice)
- 1/2 C fresh cilantro
- 1tsp of curry (or 2tsp of paprika)
- 1tablespoon of tahini
- 4 cloves of garlic
- juice of 1/2 lemon, or to taste
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Under Pressure - Green Smoothie
Feeling a bit argg! Even after popping my trusty B complex and C vitamins which usually do the trick for me. When I'm feeling stressed out I'm often temped to grab refined carbohydrates to stuff the feelings down. During my Juice Feast I learned that the best answer to stress is keeping my body clean from all the "comfort food" junk - however - yesterday I must admit the refined carbs won out 4 chocolate chip cookies later I realized okay - maybe I needed a little release but, lets go on from here and not do this again. So on that note... some great foods that help the body heal from stress overload (and not a one is a chocolate chip cookie!).
Blueberries - We all know these are one of the healthiest foods around. Blueberries are very high in vitamin C, which has been shown to give the body added reserves to help it deal with high levels of stress. Also, blueberries contain a high amount of fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels that fluctuate too much are a major contributor to stress for some people.
Oranges Another food that is rich in vitamin C. When you are stressed, your body releases even more free radicals than usual. Vitamin C helps to keep the free radicals in check, and repairs the body.
Green Vegetables Broccoli, kale, and other dark green vegetables are chock full of vitamins that help replenish our bodies in times of stress. Many vegetables also contain potassium which is great at calming down your nervous system.
Dried Apricots Rich in magnesium. Some say that magnesium helps reduce heart palpitations brought on by stress. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant as well. (also high in fiber and vitamin C) ... check out my "Moons of the Faithful Biscotti" recipe for a sweet tasty stress busting treat.
Avacado Contains healthy fat that can help battle stress.
Sweet Potatoes—Sweet potatoes can satisfy that carb/sweets when we are under great stress. Full of beta-carotene and other vitamins, and the fiber they contain helps your body to process the carbohydrates slowly.
Stress Busting Green Smoothie
- 1/2C Blueberries
- 1C Fresh Orange Juice
- 1C of Mixed dark leafy greens (like Kale and Spinach)
- 1/2 cup of almond milk
"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection."
- Buddha
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Best Juices for Singers
I was looking up throat remedies for my boyfriend who sings yesterday and ran across a couple of great juicing tips for public speakers and singers who want to keep their voices in tip top shape during a show.
Pineapple Juice
A number of professional singers gargle or drink Pineapple juice during shows.
According to Isabella Snow , a long time blues singer it is very important for singers to keep their throats well lubricated - to do this she says Pineapple Juice does a great job .
"Far and away, the best choice available. Doesn’t matter if it’s room temp or a bit chilled, but nothing cold. And nothing with chunks in it, those can make you cough. Pineapple juice is slick, it will instantly moisten your throat, wet your tongue – and cause you to salivate, which is the best lubrication you can find. 1 glass per 45 minute set, a sip or two between songs, that’s all you need. Remember, you’re just lubricating, not quenching thirst. Do not go overboard with pineapple juice, you will spend the next morning in the bathroom. Crazy as pineapple juice sounds, it’s the best thing you can use, and I’ve converted every opera singer I’ve ever mentioned it to."
Tori Amos' Lemonaid
- 2 L. water
- 2 lemons, chopped, seeded and pithed (1 whole lemon per L. of water)
- Blend lemons with 1 1/2 L. of the water
- Strain and discard pulp
- Blend that with 10-12 oz. honey that's been blended with 1/2 L. water
- Add the remaining 1 L. water
- 4 pinches of salt (1 pinch for every 1/2 L. water -- more if you sweat a lot)
- 24 drops of essential lemon oil (6 for every 1/2 L. water)
- 1/4 t. cinnamon
- Strain again
Thursday, July 01, 2010
All Praise the Cabbage
Good for what ails you… :)
- CONSTIPATION The juice of cabbages is often used to relieve constipation. Beware can make you windy if you have a lot of junk in your system it needs to break down.
- Anemia: High in chlorophyll - good for blood building.
- OBESITY Research has shown cabbage contains a chemical called tartaric acid, which inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat.
- JOINT PAIN Raw cabbage is one of the best vegetables you can take to ease inflammation of the joints. You can eat it however you like, just make sure it is fresh and uncooked! Herbalists suggest to eat fresh cabbage in the morning prior to any other food. I've also been reading that cabbage leaves rolled with a rolling pin until they are releasing their juice and wrapped around a sprain (held in place with a banage) or pulled muscle work wonders.
- ULCERS many people claim they feel better after drinking fresh cabbage juice for only 5 days! "1 liter of the fresh juice per day, taken in divided doses, resulted in total ulcer healing in an average of 10 days. The high content of glutamine, an amino acid that is the preferred fuel for the cells that line the stomach and small intestine, is likely the reason for cabbage juice's efficacy in healing ulcers. "
- Alzheimer's Red cabbages contain significantly more protective phytonutrients than white cabbages and are said to help alzheimer's patient. Antioxidant polyphenols can protect brain cells against the damage caused by amyloid-beta protein, suggests a study published in Food Science and Technology.
The Egyptians ate cabbage with vinegar before a night of drinking to prevent hangovers. Cabbage is still today considered one of the best remedies to cure hangovers! The Romans also ate cabbage to cure every imaginable ailment under the sun! They ate it raw with vinegar before and after each meal.
Cultured Cabbage Juice (good for GI tract killing fungus and parasites)
Fill blender with chopped green cabbage.
Add distilled water until 2/3 full. Blend on hiigh for 1-2 minutes.
Pour out into large bowl and repeat for 2 more batches.
Cover with cheese cloth, gauze or stocking and let stand at room temperature X 3 days.
Strain to separate juice & pulp. Place cultured cabbage juice in refrigerator.
When supply gets low start new batch, but add 1/2 cup of cultured juice (Starter) and new batch will be ready in 24 hours."
When juicing cabbage you should not drink more than about 4oz of cabbage juice at a time and it is best mixed with other juices such as carrot / apple juice. The flavour combination of carrot and cabbage is well tested, as cabbage and carrot are the base ingredients of many varieties of coleslaws. Coleslaws are highly popular dishes that regularly appear in a raw food diet.
If you consume too much cabbage juice in one go then you may experience a feeling of gas and slight cramps in the intestine due to the sulphur in the cabbage juice reacting with bacteria that exist in the intestines.